About the Journal


PRISM is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that seeks to foster innovative approaches to the advancement of critical perspectives spanning all domains of teaching and learning. The journal’s remit includes the publication of research that highlights, challenges and augments debates, and addresses leading questions in topic areas such as critical and traditional pedagogies, alternative approaches to research and practice, governmental policy, practitioner issues and pedagogic innovation.

Necessarily eclectic, inherently radical, and unashamedly utopian, the interdisciplinary approach of PRISM is wide-ranging, encouraging submissions from a variety of scholars. PRISM recognises the breadth and scope of learning across diverse locations, involving a range of educators, academics, researchers and thinkers. PRISM supports the development of an expanded field of pedagogy, allowing reflection and critical examination of practice, theory and policy through a spectrum of intra-, cross- and anti-disciplinary methodologies and theoretical approaches to learning. Whilst PRISM is open to submissions from academics of all levels and experience, we hope to provide a space between established and emergent thinkers from formal and informal, marginal and traditional spaces. Theoretical and methodological pluralism is encouraged.

PRISM is currently open to submissions. PRISM welcomes submissions from academics and practitioners of all levels and experience. Please see the Journal’s author guidelines. For further information, please contact a member of the editorial team.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content with no submission or publication fees. The content in this journal is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence that allows others to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of works in this journal, or to use them for any other lawful purpose in accordance with the licence.  

PRISM: Peer Review Process

An outline of the peer review process that PRISM operates is listed below. If you have any questions relating to this (either prior to or during the submission of a manuscript), our editorial team are available to offer assistance. Contact details for the editorial team are available on PRISMs ‘Editorial Team’ page. You can also check the status of your manuscript at any time by logging into the journal.

  1. The Editor(s) will evaluate the manuscript for scope, fit, quality, originality, and interest for the readership, etc. The manuscript may be rejected at this stage if it does not meet the criteria and remit for the journal.
  2. If the manuscript meets the remit and criteria of the journal, it is then sent out for external peer review.
  3. When the required number of reviews have been received (usually two), the Editor(s) will consider the experts’ opinions and make an initial decision whether to accept, reject, or request a revision(s) to the draft paper.
  4. If the decision is for revision(s), the author will be given sufficient time to review the comments and recommendations and revise their manuscript.
  5. When submitting the revision(s), the author(s) must ensure that their revised manuscript appropriately addresses each of the reviewers’ and/or Editors points (PRISM requires a tracked changes version of the updated manuscript).
  6. The revised manuscript will be re-evaluated by the Section Editor, who will then either make an immediate publication decision, or send the manuscript for further peer review. The editor(s) may request multiple manuscript revisions.

Notice and Takedown Policy