The power of “We” in an “I” world


  • Maureen Royce Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Business & Law



In Higher Education students and their tutors are primarily measured by individual performance metrics although we have seen an increasing interest in collaborative work in student assessment. However, the student experience is shaped predominantly by collective behaviours shaping modules with multiple tutor involvement, levels where modules connect and programmes where holistic support learning and employability interventions rely on teams of people rather than individual approaches. It is interesting that while we discuss and consider the marking and structure of collaborative work for students less attention is paid to the way in which collaborative work within and between programme teams and service teams is designed, valued and rewarded. The 5 minute slot will consider how the student and staff experience could benefit from a more considered approach to the power of "We".

The power of “We” in an “I” world, PowerPoint. Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.





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