Placement year decisions making – exploring student views




The session will share the findings of a recent short student survey conducted within the Business School. L5 students who currently have the opportunity to undertake a placement year as part of their degree course were asked to provide feedback on their attitudes towards undertaking a placement year, key factors relating to their decision not to pursue placement applications or opportunities, and reflect on any university provided support that would help them in their decision making process.

The survey also asked questions about student attitudes toward undertaking internships. The survey aimed to understand in more depth the reasons that students may choose not to undertake a placement and the barriers that might be preventing them from doing so, in order to identify and develop interventions or activities that might support them in either decision making or undertaking a placement year.

As well as sharing the findings of the survey the session will include a discussion element to enable delegates to participate in generating potential solutions to address the challenges and issues raised.

This session will align to our 'student focused' value; undertaking a placement year can help to equip students with the knowledge, skills and mindset valued by employer (aim) as well as help students to enhance their graduate employment prospects. Identification and implementation of strategies that will remove barriers to placement year engagement will support the student experience and demonstrate our commitment to embed effective and responsive support throughout the student journey.

It is envisioned that this session will be of interest to staff who have students who also have placement year opportunities, as well as who will benefit from internships.

Placement year decisions making – exploring student views Powerpoint. Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.




