Session 75: Community at the heart: School Industry Advisory Boards - role, challenges & useful lessons


  • Beverley Caddick-Kala Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Business & Law
  • Jennifer Dean Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Business & Law
  • Carlo Panara Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Business & Law


LJMU's School of Law, like other UK law schools and many business schools, created and operates a School Industry Advisory Board. The Board comprises senior judges, senior legal professionals from the City Region, alumni of the School and academics from Law and other disciplines. The Advisory Board has been useful to us to design new programmes, develop our portfolio of programmes, and identify employability skills relevant to the legal professions. Advisory boards, however, can support other initiatives, such as, networking opportunities for students and staff, recruitment of staff and students, research, external engagement with stakeholders from the City Region. Advisory boards are therefore highly relevant to all the strategic pillars of LJMU (T&L/student experience, place & partnership, research & impact). During our presentation we will discuss the experience from two law school advisory boards, at LJMU and at University of Bolton, and will reflect on lessons emerging from these advisory boards. We believe that these lessons could be useful to other schools and faculties at LJMU and that this presentation could bring useful ideas to the table for strengthening the links between LJMU and the City Region. Attendees will learn how to develop or create their own School Industry Advisory Board which will proactively support the School in fulfilling its Mission by providing advice and guidance to the School regarding its strategy, portfolio of academic programmes of study, and all aspects of its industry and external engagement.

Community at the heart: School Industry Advisory Boards - role, challenges & useful lessons PowerPoint. Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.




