Session 74: Discussing the enhancement of the Degree Apprentice experience through effective tri-partite meetings


  • Elizabeth Whitfield Liverpool John Moores University, Academic Registry
  • Suzanne Gapper Smith Liverpool John Moores University, Academic Registry
  • Joanne Fisher Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Health
  • Eleanor Fenney Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Health


Degree Apprenticeships are a rapidly growing route of study in the Higher Education sector, most notably in post 1992 universities. LJMU currently offers twelve apprenticeship programmes, and this number continues to grow. Degree apprenticeships offer an alternative route to higher education whilst developing on-the-job work-based knowledge and skills and by the nature of the mode of delivery, actively widen participation, transforming the lives and workforce of the local community.

However, apprenticeships are a relatively new type of HE programme of study; they are not simply part-time programmes as per the sector standard. Learners enrolled on apprenticeship programmes are full-time employees, and as such have significant demands on their time in both the workplace and the in capacity as an enrolled student. As such it is important to structure apprenticeship programmes to support the learner in achieving the expected occupational standard of knowledge, skills and behaviours and maximise the student experience.

One mechanism through which the apprentice experience can be influenced is the tripartite review meeting however lack of consistency in the approach to these meetings means there is a potential impact on the student experience. Tripartite review meetings require employer representation and rely on suitably trained work-based mentors and adequate preparation of all parties to ensure clarity on what is expected. Here we will discuss what the tripartite meeting is, and what regulatory requirements could be included, how the tri-partite can be utilised to enhance the learner experience and identify some key concepts of best practice to be applied at a cross University level.

Finally we will discuss ideas for evaluating tripartite review meeting effectiveness, sharing best practice and providing suggestions for future practice to ensure apprentices receive a positive learning experience.

Discussing the enhancement of the Degree Apprentice experience through effective tri-partite meetings PowerPoint. Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.




