Session 53: Assessments don’t have to be essays – using live events to demonstrate learning


  • Andy McNicholl Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Business & Law
  • Valerie Makin Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Business & Law


Whilst the essay has long been a staple in higher education for assessing students' understanding and critical thinking skills, this session will highlight the benefit of looking at alternative forms of assessment. Lecturers from the Events Management degree programme will look at how traditional assessments may not always be the best route, especially for vocational degrees. Instead, they will show how students on their programme produce a real live event, going through every element, from concept and theming, to staging and evaluation. Yes, an actual event – not a case study, a simulation or a virtual reality experience! The presentation highlights how this type of practical assessment not only offers an excellent learning experience evidenced in consistently high module evaluations, but also enhances students’ employment prospects, through offering a real-world opportunity to engage with all aspects of event planning and production. Community is very much at the heart of this assessment as it takes our students out of the classroom and into the wider City, liaising with a range of stakeholders from venues and industry suppliers, to local charities that all profits from the events are donated to. It can show first hand to these potential employers the abilities and creativity of our talented students.

Assessments don’t have to be essays – using live events to demonstrate learning PowerPoint.  Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.




