Session 49: Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion: local approaches to embedding inclusion


  • Phil Bakstad Liverpool John Moores University, Student Advice & Wellbeing Services
  • Komang Ralebitso-Senior Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Science
  • Denise Lee Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Engineering & Technology
  • Olatunde Durowoju Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Business & Law
  • Graham Downes Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Arts, Professional & Social Studies


Positioning a commitment to inclusion and diversity as core to our University’s values reflects LJMU’s history within the Liverpool City Region and our future aspirations for our students, staff and partners. To support this, six Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion were appointed in 2023 across our five faculties and Professional Services, providing local leadership for the D&I agenda.

This session will explore how the six AD:DIs have applied area-specific knowledge, networks and best practice to key strategic priorities such as the Access and Participation Plan, Athena Swan and Race Equality Charter. In addition, the team will discuss recent achievements and future developments in the D&I space with a particular focus on shared learning across the University.




