Session 45: Making Every Contact Count for mental health at LJMU


  • Christine Roberts Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Health
  • Andy Keegan Liverpool John Moores University, Human Resources
  • Scott Foster Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Business & Law


In line with the LJMU student experience and wellbeing strategy, Making Every Contact Count (MECC) for mental health sessions will showcase the implementation training for colleagues to enhance their ability to have mental health conversations with each other. As we all have mental health, this training is universally applicable to us all and is not just focused on students but on how we can support each other as colleagues, and stakeholders.

Making Every Contact Count for Mental Health is an initiative written by the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH)and implemented within the NHS to target the millions of conversations that occur every day within healthcare. With 1 in 4 people experiencing mental health difficulties in their lifetime, this initiative aims to offer prevention through developing skills to have conversations about mental well-being.

Supported by RSPH this initiative has been adapted for use within LJMU to work with colleagues to consider the barriers and fears with having conversations with each other and students regarding mental health. Consisting of 3 modules the aim of the workshop is to explore the concept of well-being and what is mental health. The main objective is to increase the knowledge and skills of colleagues in having a mental health conversation, and finally increase awareness of signposting within LJMU and external providers.

Making Every Contact Count for mental health at LJMU PowerPoint. Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.




