Session 21: JMSU: building communities, a mid point reflection


  • Paul Chapman Liverpool John Moores University Students' Union
  • Sarah Latham Liverpool John Moores University Students' Union


JMSU is halfway through a three-year growth project centred around an increase in Block Grant to build capacity within our staffing and activity programmes. Our two primary strategic goals are ‘Expert Representation’ and ‘Building Connections’ both of which underpin our approach to creating a sense of community. We feel we have made significant inroads in expanding our activity and impact within the remit of Student Experience and would like to share this with
This session will:

  • Re-state JMSU’s strategic intentions
  • Provide an overview of our journey within the three-year growth plan
  • Offer an insight into our work and relationship with the University
  • Provide current statistics and data that demonstrate our activity
  • Highlight future plans for 2024/25 and 2025/26
  • Offer an opportunity for participants to feedback and input into JMSU’s plans – in particular supporting wider Faculty and Campus engagement


Participants will:

  • Gain an understanding of the work of JMSU
  • Identify areas of potential collaboration with JMSU
  • Be able to signpost current opportunities through JMSU to students
  • Input thoughts and ideas into JMSU’s work
  • [Hopefully!] Become ambassadors of the Students’ Union





