Session 15: Lightning talk: The co-creation of a university sensory resource hub for neurodiverse students


  • Ange Garden Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Arts, Professional & Social Studies
  • Libby Robinson Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Arts, Professional & Social Studies


Universities are increasingly recognising the diverse needs of their student populations, including those who identify as neurodiverse. Neurodiverse students, including individuals with autism, ADHD, sensory processing differences, and other neurological conditions, often face unique challenges in academic settings. Creating an inclusive and supportive environment for these students is essential for their academic success and well-being. This study presents the collaborative efforts of LJMU School of Education (SoE), Liverpool School of Art & Design (LSAD) and Lark Lane Wellbeing Hub to co-create a sensory resource hub at tailored to the specific needs of neurodiverse students. Key elements of the co-creation process included a thorough needs assessment to understand the sensory sensitivities and preferences of neurodiverse students involving focus groups, and one-on-one interviews. Neurodiverse students play a central role in the decision-making process, actively participating in planning and design sessions. Ongoing evaluation meant that the co-creation process is an ongoing endeavour, with regular evaluations and feedback loops to fine-tune the sensory hub’s design and functionality. The ongoing outcomes of our co-creation process, highlight the positive impact of the sensory hub on the well-being and academic performance of neurodiverse students. The challenges encountered during the project and lessons learned that can be applied to similar initiatives in other educational institutions. By embracing a co-creation approach, universities can take significant steps towards creating more inclusive and supportive environments for all students, including those who are neurodiverse.

The co-creation of a university sensory resource hub for neurodiverse students PowerPoint.  Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.






Lightning Talks