Session 13: Alternate assessments - what do they look like?


  • Denise Lee Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Engineering & Technology
  • Sian Dunne Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Engineering & Technology


As an inclusive institute committed to supporting all students throughout their educational journey, we recognise the growing number of students disclosing disabilities and utilising Individualised Student Learning Plans (ISLPs). This dynamic landscape calls for proactive measures from academic staff to adapt teaching and assessments in alignment with these plans. However, there is a notable challenge, as many educators may be unfamiliar with the methods and possibilities available to meet these diverse needs.

This session aims to bridge this knowledge gap and empower academic staff to effectively support students with and without disclosed disabilities. It will not only provide insights into creating alternative assessments but also emphasise the broader aspect of fostering an inclusive learning environment.

The first focus of the session will be on exploring what alternative assessments can look like. Examples may include project-based assessments, oral examinations, interactive presentations, and flexible deadlines. By delving into these examples, academic staff can gain a better understanding of the variety of assessment methods available, ensuring they can accommodate the diverse needs of students while maintaining the integrity of the learning outcomes.

Moreover, the session will delve into strategies for providing effective support to students with and without disclosed disabilities. This involves cultivating an awareness of inclusive teaching practices that benefit the entire student body. By fostering an environment that values diversity, academic staff can create a positive and supportive atmosphere conducive to learning.

In conclusion, this session seeks to equip academic staff with practical ideas for implementing alternative assessments while fostering an inclusive mindset. By better understanding the needs of students with disclosed disabilities and embracing inclusive teaching strategies, educators can play a pivotal role in creating an enriching educational experience for all students.

Alternate assessments - what do they look like PowerPoint. Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.




