Session 9: More than just obtaining a doctorate: how good practice can transform a student’s life



Content covered - In society, we tend to categorise people into boxes based on labels like gender, disability, and more. These labels often lead to assumptions about individuals, shaping our perceptions and interactions. While some assumptions may be accurate, they can also have negative consequences when applied unfairly. This tendency to make assumptions extends to various settings, including universities, where it can significantly impact students with long-term conditions or disabilities.

LJMU's strategy and values - Creating a positive culture - Rupy, our presenter, defied the assumptions imposed on her due to her cerebral palsy. Despite initial bleak predictions about her abilities, she surpassed expectations with the support of her family. Overcoming physical and psychological challenges, she pursued a career in health psychology to bridge the gap between disability and healthcare. Throughout her journey, Rupy faced imposter syndrome and dyslexia, questioning her capabilities. However, with the unwavering support of her supervisors, she persevered and completed her Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology.

Rupy's supervisors played a crucial role in her success by treating her like any other student, providing support, and fostering belief in her abilities. They accommodated her access needs, showed patience, and encouraged her to confront her challenges. By acknowledging her strengths and weaknesses, Rupy learned to navigate her disabilities effectively, both personally and professionally. Her experience highlights the importance of a compassionate and inclusive approach in academic settings, where students with disabilities should be supported holistically rather than through segregated services.

Practice to other LJMU services / Takeaway - The journey of Rupy underscores the significance of approaching education with empathy, curiosity, and accountability. By creating a culture of understanding and openness, universities can empower all students to thrive and feel valued within the academic community. Moving away from assumptions and embracing integrity can lead to a positive and inclusive environment where every individual is supported based on their unique needs and strengths.

More than just obtaining a doctorate: how good practice can transform a student’s life PowerPoint. Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.




