Session 7: Supporting students with quantitative analysis



In March the Academic Achievement Team’s maths/stats/data analysis drop-ins become vey crowded. Students come in saying anything from “I’ve collected some data, what do I do now?” through “I’ve been told I need to use something called SPSS” all the way to “Can you just check my write-up in my analysis section?” Ideally students would not be facing these issues at such a critical point. In this session I discuss the common issues we see with students who come to us asking about their quantitative analysis as well as what the Academic Achievement Team offers on a year-round basis to support these students, before opening the floor to a discussion of how the Academic Achievement Team, dissertation module lecturers, and student project supervisors could work more closely to support students.

Supporting students with quantitative analysis PowerPoint. Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.




