Session 2: CampusConnect: building a student


  • Ellen Coyle Liverpool John Moores University, Student Recruitment Marketing & Admissions
  • Claire Murphy Liverpool John Moores University, Student Recruitment Marketing & Admissions
  • Megan Birchall Liverpool John Moores University, Student Recruitment Marketing & Admissions


Within the wider team of Student Recruitment Marketing and Admissions, our teams of undergraduate recruitment, postgraduate recruitment and International recruitment work collaboratively to make use of CampusConnect as a conversion tool. This is an app which helps develop and cultivate bespoke student communities, through chat groups, live events, networking and the pushing out of targeted content. Current students who work as ambassadors on CampusConnect are crucial in this, guiding prospective students and inspiring them to study here.

  • The chat groups are a vital part of the platform, and across our teams here at LJMU, we ensure there is a group for all prospective students. We have peer-led groups that cover a range of areas: courses, accommodations, hobbies, interests and community groups.
  • The student community is vital to student recruitment, but our staff community is important too – through collaborating on CampusConnect, we work across teams with people we may not otherwise have met, allowing good networking opportunities. IT Services and CRM play a big part in the running of the app too.

Proposed structure:

  • Overview of CampusConnect
  • The role of our current students and the coordination of these student ambassadors

CampusConnect ‘success stories’ – a panel of current students to speak and give their experiences. Both home and international ambassadors to share their points of view, from using the app as prospective students to now working as ambassadors on the platform

  • How we want to develop our use of CampusConnect going forward – student ambassadors to play a bigger role in starting conversations so nobody feels uncomfortable on the app, pushing out targeted content at key points in the cycle, working with other teams to coordinate Q&A sessions, for example accommodation
  • Any questions/comments

CampusConnect: building a student PowerPoint. Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.




