Session 1: Development of game-based learning resources for teaching chemical literacy using AI Jon Ashley, Faculty



The use of AI in academia represents a unique opportunity for teachers without prior programming knowledge to develop new blended learning resources with the aim of supplementing student learning. The use of game-based learning resources has been shown to help improve accessibility to learning and provide students with a safe and private environment, in which they can make mistakes without fear of failure. This allows students to develop their skills in a fun and engaging way. In chemistry-based courses, students are often required to rote learn certain concepts such as organic functional groups, which they often struggle with or lack motivation to memorize. Students can lack confidence in interpreting and extracting information from chemical structures such as molecular weights and polarity.

In this project, we developed several online game-based resources to supplement student learning, encourage chemical literacy and improve learning outcomes on chemistry-based modules. Using ChatGPT, I developed a series of online games including an organic chemistry functional groups flashcard quiz where students identify organic functional groups, a chemical formula game where students must input the chemical formula of a chemical structure to reveal a hidden letter of a chemical element and a game that helps students predict polarity of organic compounds. The games incorporated features such as lives, point scoring and high scores to allow students to get instant feedback and improve over time.

Students were surveyed on their attitudes towards gaming and game-based learning resources and given access to the website. Students were also asked to evaluate the online games to determine the effectiveness of game-based learning in helping students become chemically literate. The results of this study will help to improve the use of game-based learning and expand the online games to other areas of chemistry such as data interpretation of analytical data and calculations.

Development of game-based learning resources for teaching chemical literacy using AI PowerPoint. Only LJMU staff and students have access to this resource.




