The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Sales Performance

An empirical study of local grocery stores in Liverpool, UK


  • Dunstanraj Jesurajah Liverpool John Moores University
  • Chin Ong Liverpool John Moores University


With the growing importance of social media in the retail landscape, local grocery stores in Liverpool are striving to understand and leverage these platforms to improve sales performance and strengthen customer relationships. This study investigates the impact of social media marketing on sales performance and customer engagement for local grocery stores in Liverpool, UK. Semi-structured interviews with eight store managers identified commonly used platforms and examined the influence of social media on sales and loyalty, while also exploring adoption challenges. The findings indicate that WhatsApp and Facebook are preferred due to their alignment with target audiences. Social media marketing efforts increased sales by as much as 20 %, enhanced customer loyalty, and amplified word-of-mouth referrals. However, stores face challenges in addressing negative customer feedback, investing time in content creation, and measuring return on investment. By effectively using platforms, engaging customers, and addressing resource constraints, local grocers can leverage social media to enhance competitiveness and foster lasting customer relationships in the digital marketplace. This research not only provides practical guidance for local businesses but also enriches the understanding of social media marketing's role in niche retail sectors.




