Design and Technology Education: An International Journal Volume 29 No.1 is now published.


The first issue of 2024 presents a diverse assemblage of articles focusing across the breadth of design and technology education and providing opportunities to pause and reflect on the value created by such diversity. The issue is made up of five articles from five countries – China, Ireland, Norway, Turkey and USA spanning understandings from mainstream schooling, higher education and professional practice, presenting insights from makerspaces to industrial design culture to visualising research. From an editorial viewpoint the range re-enforces the vision of the journal as an inclusive, open space for contributing and sharing diverse perspectives.

We hope you enjoy reading the articles in this issue. Comments and questions are welcomed by the Editors. Contact

Looking forward, we are delighted to announce that later in 2024 we will be publishing a Special Issue of the Journal of research articles developed from a number of papers presented at the PATT40 conference Diverse experiences of design and technology for a contemporary and pluralist society held in November 2023. This Special Issue will focus on Design and Technology education in early years, primary and secondary schooling. Authors from across a wide range of countries will contribute valuable insights relevant to practicing teachers, teacher educators and researchers. Watch this space!