

  • Ann Marie Farrugia


Welcome to the eighth issue of the PHI journal. Our guest editorial comes from Ann Marie Farrugia who has completed her MSc within Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). Ann is now working as a researcher within the School of Public and Allied Health here at LJMU.

In my time as a student, I often compared writing a dissertation to a strange train journey, one where you know the final destination will be rewarding, but you also know that the ride itself will be unpredictable. My experience with my undergraduate dissertation was a bumpy ride. I chose a complex, under researched topic, which meant that the dissertation process was challenging, at times slow, while at other times very intense. Nonetheless, it was a topic whose importance I always firmly believed in, and a topic that I wanted to learn more about. My undergraduate dissertation marked my very first time producing research and it further cemented my passion for it. It felt so rewarding speaking to people and being able to turn their experiences into knowledge that undertaking a postgraduate degree to felt inevitable.

Inspired by my interests in a breadth of different topics surrounding the health of vulnerable populations, as well as the fantastic work carried out by public health teams who have tackled the COVID-19 response globally, I decided to pursue an MSc in Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University. Once again, I gravitated towards an under-researched area, this time, the barriers homeless populations face when accessing cancer screening. Both my lecturers and dissertation supervisors were an immense support system throughout the whole dissertation process, and their dedication further solidified my desire to pursue a career in public health research. Today, I’m proud to be working alongside them as a Public Health Research Assistant, applying everything I learnt as a student to multiple research projects that aim to create meaningful change in the public health field. Public health research means a lot to me and it has given and contributed immensely towards my personal growth by helping me understand and solidify my strengths, passions, and yes, even my patience.

Being a public health student takes courage, whether you realise it or not. Choosing a research topic, advocating for something you care about, and navigating such a broad and evolving field is no small task. Writing a dissertation can often feel overwhelming, and self-doubt will inevitably creep in. You might question whether your topic is interesting enough, whether your work will be taken seriously, or whether you’ll be able to finish what you started. But you always will. And so have the students whose incredible dissertation abstracts are featured in this journal. To every student whose work is presented here - congratulations! Your research is a testament to the depth and impact of public health and the dedication of those studying it. It is a valuable contribution to the field, shaping its future and inspiring the next generation of researchers and students to further advance public health knowledge.




