Has the prevalence of syphilis among pregnant women increased or decreased over time in Chile and in the Province of Cautin since 2017? A secondary analysis


  • Gabriela Cofré Morales


Syphilis, Pregnant Women, Chile, Prevalence, Cautín, Surveillance, Screening


Background: Syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection, is a significant global public health issue, particularly among pregnant women due to the risk of congenital transmission. In Chile, syphilis prevalence is rising among this group. This study examines the trends in syphilis prevalence among pregnant women in Chile, focusing on the Cautín Province in La Araucanía from 2017 to 2020, and exploring associated sociodemographic factors. 

Methods: A quantitative analysis of secondary data was conducted using the Monthly Statistical Summaries (REM) from Chilean public health centres. The data included results from syphilis tests (VDRL, RPR, MHA-TP) among pregnant women, categorized by year, region, age group, ethnicity, migrant status, and transgender status. The analysis explored temporal trends and the relationship between syphilis prevalence and factors such as GDP per capita, education level, and population density. 

Results: The study revealed fluctuating syphilis prevalence among pregnant women in Chile from 2017 to 2020, with a rise in 2020. Significant regional disparities were noted, with Cautín Province showing high rates in the 40-49 age group, while the highest prevalence nationally was in the 50+ age group. The highest rates for migrants were in northern Chile and the capital, and Indigenous cases were more common in Araucanía and northern Chile, where the largest Mapuche and Aymara populations are located. Coquimbo and the capital had the highest rates among the transgender population. A significant correlation was found between demographic density, GDP per capita, and education level. 

Conclusion: The rising syphilis prevalence among pregnant women in Chile, particularly in Cautín, presents a serious public health concern. Addressing this issue requires enhanced prenatal care, targeted public awareness campaigns, and improved surveillance systems. It is crucial to address the underlying socioeconomic and demographic factors to reduce syphilis and prevent congenital infections. Future research should explore the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on syphilis prevalence and develop strategies to improve antenatal care and screening in high-risk populations. 





