A survey study analysing the impact of greenspaces on the physical and mental health of Liverpool students


  • Adeel Rasul


Health, Physical, Mental, Wellbeing, Greenspaces, COVID-19, Environment, Questionnaire, Stress, Anxiety


This dissertation examines the physical and mental changes to students in Liverpool as a result of attending greenspaces. The main aim of the dissertation is to provide a scientific explanation behind the role of greenspace provision for the human mind and body, and what benefits greenspaces can have on an individual level. The study also examines the societal benefits greenspaces can have, such as the mitigation of climate change and the potential to reduce burdens on public health services. This study uses an online questionnaire, which recruited 63 students who are studying in Liverpool and asked them about their thoughts and feelings towards greenspaces, physical and mental wellbeing, stress, anxiety, and overall life satisfaction. The questionnaire was initially distributed through personal acquaintances, which then further developed into snowball sampling through student groups and societies. The main findings of the study are that students overall have a positive association of greenspaces, generally live near to them, and have mixed feelings towards their life happiness, and levels of stress and anxiety. The study concludes with some recommendations for future similar investigations, and possible solutions from an environmental health perspective as how to best tackle the current mental health crisis of students in Liverpool.




