The effects of recreational activities on the wellbeing of older adults in residential care homes: A systematic qualitative review.


  • Stellamaris Okonkwo


Recreational Activities, Wellbeing, Older Adults, Residential Care Homes, Systematic Review


Background: This thesis used a systematic literature review to explore the impact of recreational activities on the well-being of older adults in old age homes. The well-being of older adults is of extreme importance, especially in residential care settings where individuals may face challenges related to social isolation, physical limitation and cognitive decline. Literature has reported recreational activities as a promising avenue that promotes well-being and quality of life among older adults.

Methods: This research involved a systematic literature review to identify relevant studies published between 2013 to 2023. Nineteen studies were selected for the inclusion review, focusing on recreational interventions and their impact on the well-being of older adults in old age homes. These studies were analysed using thematic analysis to synthesise findings from these studies.

Results: The thematic analyses revealed consistent evidence of the positive effect of purposeful and tailored recreational interventions on the well-being of older adults in old age homes. Recreational activities investigated in this study were intergenerational theatre workshops, music engagement programmes, mental well-being and social interaction activities and tai chi. These activities improved physical health, mental well-being, social connectedness, and emotional state among older adults.

Conclusion: The findings of this research support the significance of recreational activities in promoting the well-being of older adults in old age homes. The positive impact of recreational interventions on various aspects of well-being underscores the need for greater attention and resources allocated to such programs in care home settings.




