Knowledge and attitude of female bankers toward the practice of exclusive breastfeeding in Ikeya local government area of Lagos state, Nigeria: an empirical quantitative study using a structured questionnaire.


  • Isioma Obianwuna


Exclusive Breastfeeding, Female Bankers, Knowledge, Attitude, Workplace Support, Sociodemographic Factors, Nigeria


Background: Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is crucial for optimal infant health, but professional commitments, particularly in sectors like banking, can impact a mother's decision to practice EBF. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of female bankers in Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria, regarding EBF, focusing on the influence of workplace support on their decisions.

Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered online to female bankers in Ikeja, Lagos State, using a cross-sectional approach. Data analysis was conducted to evaluate their knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to EBF and the role of workplace support in their decisions. The sample consisted of 60 respondents aged between 21 and 50.

Results: Using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s Chi-square test on SPSS, this study found that all respondents were aware of EBF, with 88.3% correctly identifying its definition. However, only 23.3% practiced EBF for up to six months, with 76.7% citing work schedules as a barrier. Attitudes towards EBF were generally positive, with 60% holding favourable views, but 40% had unfavourable views. A significant lack of workplace support was identified, with only 18.3% of respondents reporting provisions like designated breastfeeding areas or nursing breaks. The study also highlighted the influence of sociodemographic factors, such as age, religion, and marital status, on EBF practices.

Conclusion: The findings underscore the importance of understanding the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of female bankers in Lagos regarding EBF. Workplace support and sociodemographic factors are evident in shaping these practices. There is a pressing need for targeted interventions to improve workplace policies and practices, address misconceptions, and foster positive attitudes towards EBF.




