The impacts of social media on young people during the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 and 2021.


  • Anu Tes Antony


Social media, Young People, Covid-19 Pandemic, Positive and Negative Influence, Communication


Background: The investigation focused on identifying the influence of social media on people aged 18-25 during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic between 2020 and 2021. The challenges that young individuals encountered due to their inclination to use social media platforms almost on a 24/7 basis were also addressed as an essential part of this analysis.

Method: The methodology applied facilitated the completion of a survey between the friends and family members of the investigator. The survey was further aimed at asking 31 close-ended questions to its respondents regarding the positive and negative influence of social media on their mental and physical wellbeing during the pandemic situation.

Results: The acquired survey implications indicate social media as a positive medium that was extensively used for gathering reliable information. The respondents indicated social media posed a minimal influence on their well-being and capability to make accurate decisions.

Conclusion: Despite the major advantages of social media, it was also responsible for disseminating misinformation about the pandemic. High levels of social media use were accountable for increasing stress, anxiety and causing major sleeping disorders among participants.




