A qualitative study exploring the post-natal care experiences and expectations of first-time mothers in Nigeria.


  • Adesola Adebayo


Postnatal Care Experiences, Postnatal Care Expectations, Nigeria, First Time Mothers


Background: The postnatal period is an important time for mothers and new-borns. Care during this period is essential for new mothers to have a comfortable and confident start in their family life. Studies have highlighted areas of postnatal care dissatisfaction amongst mothers. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the postnatal care expectations with the experiences of FTMs (First-time mothers) in Nigeria to contribute to the sparse evidence base of postnatal care in Nigeria and to promote a continuity of care from the delivery room until hospital discharge.

Methods: The study employed qualitative data collected from semi structured interviews, which was transcribed and analysed using thematic analysis. Eight first-time mothers who had accessed postnatal care either privately or through public funded clinics in Nigeria were interviewed.

Results: Identified themes included “Neglect of Postpartum Follow-Up Care,” “Inadequate Information and Guidance,” “Mental Health Neglect,” “Emotional Well-being and Support Systems,” and "Inadequate Postnatal Checks." Findings identified crucial areas for improvement in postpartum support for first-time mothers in the Nigerian healthcare system.

Conclusion: A healthier Nigerian society will result from placing a high priority on comprehensive maternity healthcare. Stakeholders should collaborate to build a more nurturing and responsive healthcare system for first- time mothers in Nigeria by identifying and solving these challenges.




