Does the adoption of Marmot principles reduce health inequalities? Coventry: An emerging Marmot city


  • Sadie Batkin


Marmot principles, Marmot city, health inequalities, Coventry, school readiness, decreasing obesity, improving childcare settings, increasing small businesses, reducing benefit claims, mental health, workplace support, promoting vaccine uptake, improving air quality, prevention boards


The life expectancy in the UK is stalling for the first time in over 100 years, with many cities affected. Coventry is a city that has significant deprivation, is ranked as the 64th most deprived neighbourhood and is classified as an emerging Marmot City (focus on adopting Marmot principles). Marmot principles were defined by Sir Michael Marmot in 2010 as strategic aims that would reduce health inequalities. This report evaluates the adoption of three Marmot principles used by Coventry City Council to reduce health inequalities. Data was derived from several different credible sources with criteria, key words and limitation analysis, to ensure validity and relevance of review. Firstly, adopting the Marmot principle: ‘Giving every child the best start in life’, has reduced health inequalities by increasing school readiness, decreasing the prevalence of obesity and improving childcare settings. Secondly, adopting the Marmot principle: ‘Creating fair employment for all’, has reduced health inequalities by increasing local and small businesses, reducing the number of benefit claimants and improving mental health support in the workplace. Lastly, adoption of the Marmot principle: ‘Strengthening the role of ill-health prevention’, has reduced health inequalities by promoting vaccine uptake, improvements to air quality and the development of the prevention board. This literature review provides strong evidence that adoption of Marmot principles can help reduce health inequalities. However, many of the studies require a longer surveillance period. In the future, we can hope to see more reliable and comprehensive data.




